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Management of major bleeding complications and emergency surgery in patients on long-term treatment with direct oral anticoagulants, thrombin or factor-Xa inhibitors: Proposals of the Working Group on Perioperative Haemostasis (GIHP) - March 2013




Direct new oral anticoagulants (NOACs) - inhibitors of thrombin or factor Xa - are intended to be used largely in the treatment of venous thromboembolic disease or the prevention of systematic embolism in atrial fibrillation, instead of vitamin K antagonists. Like any anticoagulant treatment, they are associated with spontaneous or provoked haemorrhagic risk. Furthermore, a significant proportion of treated patients are likely to be exposed to emergency surgery or invasive procedures. Given the absence of a specific antidote, the action to be taken in these situations must be defined. The lack of data means that it is only possible to issue proposals rather than recommendations, which will evolve according to accumulated experience. The proposals presented here apply to dabigatran (Pradaxa(®)) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto(®)); data for apixaban and edoxaban are still scarce. For urgent surgery with haemorrhagic risk, the drug plasma concentration should be less or equal to 30ng/mL for dabigatran and rivaroxaban should enable surgery associated with a high bleeding risk. Beyond that, if possible, the intervention should be postponed by monitoring the drug concentration. The course to follow is then defined according to the NOAC and its concentration. If the anticoagulant dosage is not immediately available, worse propositions, based on the usual tests (prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time), are presented. However, these tests do not really assess drug concentration or the risk of bleeding that depends on it. In case of serious bleeding in a critical organ, the effect of anticoagulant therapy should be reduced using a non-specific procoagulant drug as a first-line approach: activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) (FEIBA(®) 30-50U/kg) or non-activated PCC (50U/kg). In addition, for any other type of severe haemorrhage, the administration of a procoagulant drug, which is potentially thrombogenic in these patients, is discussed according to the NOAC concentration and the possibilities of mechanical haemostasis.
机译:直接新型口服抗凝剂(NOAC)-凝血酶或Xa因子抑制剂-旨在代替维生素K拮抗剂,主要用于治疗静脉血栓栓塞性疾病或预防房颤系统性栓塞。像任何抗凝治疗一样,它们与自发性或诱发性出血风险相关。此外,很大一部分接受治疗的患者可能会接受紧急手术或侵入性手术。由于没有特定的解毒剂,因此必须定义在这些情况下要采取的措施。缺乏数据意味着只能发布提案,而不是根据积累的经验不断发展的建议。此处提出的建议适用于达比加群(Pradaxa®)和利伐沙班(Xarelto®);阿哌沙班和依多沙班的数据仍然很少。对于有出血风险的紧急手术,达比加群的药物血浆浓度应小于或等于30ng / mL,利伐沙班应使手术具有较高的出血风险。除此之外,如果可能,应通过监测药物浓度来推迟干预。然后根据NOAC及其浓度定义要遵循的过程。如果无法立即获得抗凝剂的剂量,则根据常规测试(凝血酶原时间和活化的部分凝血活酶时间)会提出更糟糕的主张。但是,这些测试并没有真正评估药物浓度或取决于药物浓度的出血风险。万一关键器官出现严重出血,应使用非特异性促凝药物作为一线方法来降低抗凝治疗的效果:活化凝血酶原复合物浓缩物(aPCC)(FEIBA(®)30-50U / kg)或未激活的PCC(50U / kg)。此外,对于任何其他类型的严重出血,将根据NOAC浓度和机械止血的可能性来讨论可能在这些患者中引起血栓形成的促凝药物的给药。


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